Panduan PFA (Psychological First Aid)

Mengenal Apa Itu PFA?
Dalam panduan PFA yang saya tuliskan ini bukanlah sebuah penanganan atau tindakan terapi terhadap gangguan psikologis trauma atau PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). (Everly, PFA Video. 2016).
Tetapi tindakan PFA maksudnya bagi penyintas adalah suatu kebutuhan urgent yang sering tidak disadari penyintas dalam menunggu tindakan personel kesehatan mental atau personel emergensi dalam menetralisir kondisi psikologisnya yang sedang 'mengambang' (surge).
Dan dampaknya bukan jangka pendek, tetapi jangka panjang, yang dalam kontinum akhir bisa menjadi gangguan PTSD, bisa juga gangguan jenis lainnya (Everly, PFA Video. 2016)..
Maka dari itu perlunya bantuan psikologis dini (PFA) ini dikuasai oleh semua kalangan, tidak hanya personel kesehatan mental, tetapi juga oleh personel emergensi maupun personel keamanan pemerintah.
Sekarang kita akan mengenal panduan PFA metode R.A.P.I.D. Yaitu prinsip kerja yang dibangun dan didesain oleh departemen psikologi Johns Hopkins University yang ada di Amerika Serikat.
RAPID dalam panduan PFA ini terdapat tahapan dan arah mendasar dalam bantuan psikologis dini atau disebut juga "Psychological First Aid".
Psychological First Aid (PFA) adalah manifestasi tindakan dari sikap kepedulian dan dukungan kehadiran untuk menetralisir tekanan mental akut (acute distress) dan mengasesmen kebutuhan mental yang mungkin dampaknya jangka panjang (Everly & Flynn, 2005).
Ketika melihat aspek kesehatan mental penyintas baik saat kejadian emergensi dan bencana alam, kita sering berada dalam kondisi 'mengambang' (surge). Sebagaimana dalam bukti lebih dari 160 penelitian bahwa setidaknya 41% dari jumlah tersebut pada akhirnya di waktu kemudian hari-hari hidup berikutnya menampilkan pengalaman ketidakberfungsian psikologis (very severe impairment) dari sejumlah penyintas hasil kejadian bencana dulu (Norris,, 2006).
Dalam beberapa jam setelah bencana terjadi, juga ada 25% (Beverly?) dari jumlah orang yang melalui waktu-waktu kejadian di daerah bencana tersebut yang terjadi mungkin akan mengalami berdampak pingsan (stunned), linglung (dazed), sikap acuh (aphatetic), dan kehilangan arah (wandering) (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Sejarah Singkat Istilah Dan Konsep PFA Muncul
Diambil dari (Everly, PFA Video, 2016) bahwa diawal:
1954 - Di sebuah monograf yang berjudul Psychological First Aid yang dipublikasikan oleh APA (American Psychiatric Association)
"In all disasters, whether they result from the forces of nature or from enemy attack, the people involved are subjected to stresses of a severity and quality not generally encountered ...
It is vital for all disaster workers to have some familiarity with common patterns of reaction to unusual emotional stress and ... must also know the fundamental principles of coping most effectively with disturbed people ..." -American Psychiatric Association
1992 - Palang Merah Amerika
Almost 40 years later, a disaster mental health initiative was fielded by the American Red Cross
It consisted of corps of licensed mental health clinicians who were provided a brief refresher in psychological crisis intervention and informed how to work within the ARC system
First national deployment: August, 1992, in response to Hurricane Andrew.
This deployment system worked well in most disasters.
2003 - IOM
"A broad spectrum of professional responders is necessary to meet [disaster-related] psychology needs effectively. Those outside the mental health professions, who may regularly interface with the public, can contribute substantially to community healing ... However, these professionals will require knowledge and training in order to provide effective support." - IOM, 2003
"In past decaded, there has been a growing movement in the world to develop a concept similar to physical first aid for coping with stressful and traumatic events in life. This strategy has been known by a number of names but is most commonly refered to as psychological first aid (PFA)." -IOM, 2003
2005 - Hurricane Katrina
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina's devastating impact on the Gulf Coast of the United States demonstrated the importance of having mental health resources that extend beyond the imporation of external mental health clinicians.
Importance of building surveillance and acute intervention resources became obvious.
Gambaran Besar Panduan PFA R.A.P.I.D
Panduan PFA Model model RAPID ini memiliki struktur simpel yang bisa diterapkan dalam hitungan menit dan sangat berguna mengurangi tekanan mental awal (acute distress) (Everly, PFA Video. 2016).
Video Pengantar
oleh: George S. Everly
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Panduan PFA dikenal dengan akronim yang mudah diingat yaitu RAPID (literalnya berarti 'cepat'). Melakukan tindakan dengan cepat. Berikut adalah kepanjangan dari singkatan tersebut (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
R = Reflective Listening & Rapport
A = Assessment
P = Prioritization
I = Intervention
D = Disposition
+ S = Self-Care
Bagian 'S' nanti lebih lanjut bagian akhir akan ada penjelasannya bagaimana mempedulikan diri sendiri dan proporsinya dengan mempedulikan orang lain.
Gambaran Lengkap Panduan PFA RAPID
Tahap pertama (Listening & Rapport). Atau kerelaan untuk mendengarkan mereka secara reflektif dan empatik, agar mendapatkan keakraban yang cukup.
Jika Anda bingung apa yang akan Anda lakukan saat di tempat kejadian, maka sangat mudah yaitu mulailah 'mendengar' (Everly, 2016).
Mencoba mendengarkan apa yang dikatakan mereka yang kita dekati haruslah orang-orang yang terlihat sebagai 'penyintas' atau sudah dirujuk dengan pasti (kata warga sekitar/pemerintah) bahwa dia memang 'penyintas'.
Lalu apa sebenarnya 'penyintas' itu? Penyintas dalam Kamus Indonesia adalah berasal dari kata kerja dasar 'sintas' yang artinya "terus bertahan hidup, mampu mempertahankan keberdaannya (source: KBBI, Ebta Setiawan)."
Namun dalam konsep psikologi 'penyintas' ini hanyalah ada tiga 3, dan tugas kita sebagai relawan PFA di tempat kejadian kita 'wajib' mendengarkan 'secara mendalam' orang-orang yang sifatnya prioritas, dan 'menselesaikan/memfilter' dengan cepat orang yang belum prioritas atau "pihak relawan anggap" bahwa penyintas mampu saja melewati masa krisisnya itu yang artinya tidak ada tindakan lebih lanjut yang diperlukan (Everly, 2016).
Lalu apa pula 'orang prioritas' ini? Anda akan mendapatkannya pada bagian selanjutnya di bawah bagian "Assessment".
Sebelum itu, perlunya Anda mengenal 4 hal yang sangat baik jika Anda lakukan dalam tahap ini, yaitu (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Kenalkan Dirimu. Jelaskan tujuan kehadiranmu.
- Tanyakan apa yang terjadi. Parafrase poin-poin kuncinya.
- Tanyakan kondisi dirinya. Apa dampak yang terjadi pada dirinya. Bagian ini sering ditukar dengan yang di atas urutannya tergantung situasi.
- Klarifikasi Pernyataan Ambigu. Contohnya perkataannya makna "saya depresi..." atau perilakunya 'saya sedang cemas...' dapat kita lakukan klarifikasi sesuai proporsi tertentu.
Tahap Kedua (Assessment). Atau pengukuran kondisi kebutuhan psikologis dan fisik / biologis dasar.

Eustress. Mereka mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka terhadap pada hal-hal yang mereka harus capai (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Kelompok Eustress sebenarnya juga tidak senang terjadinya kesulitan dan bencana tersebut (Everly, 2016).
Dysfunction. Sering disebut juga 'Impairment (ketidakberdayaan)' Disni adalah mereka yang memiliki ketidakberdayaan yang berat. Jika ada hal-hal yang mereka perlu lakukan, dan dan mereka tidak dapat melakukannya, tugas kita adalah mendampingi mereka secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung sesuai proporsinya. Kelompok penyintas yang ini adalah prioritas kita. (Everly, 2016).
Distress. Ini sedikit membingungkan, karena orang-orang ini mungkin kelihatannya baik-baik saja, tetapi mereka sedang melakukan apa yang mereka butuh agar diatasi. Meskipun ini adalah gejala ringan, tetapi lanjutkan monitor mereka. Dan biasanya, dalam kelompok ini kita jarang memberikan bantuan langsung, tetapi secara tidak langsung seperti bantuan kebutuhan fisik, berteduh, makanan, pakaian, dan sejenisnya. Jika kita abaikan kebutuhan di sini, mereka berpotensi bergeser ke arah Dysfunction dengan melalui tahapan kehilangan solusi, masalah fungsi rutinitas, dan langkah memenuhi kebutuhan hidup hariannya. (Everly, PFA Video, 2016). Jadi, kelompok penyintas ini adalah prioritas kita juga seandainya Anda sebagai relawan.
Untuk mengenal lebih mudah saya sertakan kutipan reaksi-rekasi yang mungkin ditemui pada kelompok Distress maupun Dysfunction.
Pertama, Distress (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Aspek Kognitif; kebingungan sementara, ketidakmampuan berkonsentrasi, pengurangan kapasitas menyelesaikan masalah, kelelahan berpikir, memikirkan suatu hal berulang, imajinasi kilas balik kejadian, mimpi buruk.
- Aspek Emosi; ketakutan, kesedihan, mudah marah, frustasi, (merasa kehilangan, kecemasan. Tentu dalam hal ini proporsinya tidak boleh sembarangan menilai emosi yang berada dalam distress dengan yang ada di eustress biasa.
- Aspek Tingkah Laku: penghindaran gejala fobik sementara, perilaku berulang-ulang, hoarding, masalah tidur, masalah kebiasan makan, mudah terkejut,
- Aspek Spiritual: mempertanyakan keyakinannya, mempertanyakan tindakan Tuhan.
- Aspek Fisik: perubahan nafsu makan, perubahan hawa nafsu, sakit kepala karena psikosomatis, sakit urat/gejala stroke karena psikosomatis, penurunan imunitas. Catatan lain: jika adanya perubahan fisik/fisiologis yang berkepanjangan atau gejalanya tersebut maka haruslah dievaluasi oleh profesional medis/dokter..
Kedua, Dysfunction (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Aspek Kognitif: bingung yang diluar kewajaran / pengurangan fungsi kognitif, kehilangan harapan, berpikiran bunuh diri / menyakiti diri, berpikir membunuh / menyakiti orang lain, halusinasi, paranoid.
- Aspek Emosi: serangan panik, depresi yang tidak produktif, ekspresi emosi mati rasa, gejala PTSD.
- Aspek Tingkah Laku: penghindaran yang persisten, perilaku berulang yang tidak produktif, agresi / kekerasan, perilaku tertutup, reaksi impulsif / terlalu cepat mengambil resiko, penyalahgunaan obat, minuman bersoda/memabukan.
- Aspek Spiritual: penghentian rutinitas sembahyang/praktek agama, projecting faith onto others.
- Aspek Fisik: perubahan fungsi jantung/cardiac, perubahan fungsi urin/gastrointestinal, ketidaksadaran, sakit perut, pusing, adanya fisik mati rasa/kelumpuhan di lengan/kaki/wajah, ketidakmampuan berbicara / memahami bicara orang lain. (P.S: Cari bantuan medis untuk semua aspek fisik di atas).
Tahap Ketiga (Prioritazitaion). Penuhi kebutuhan medis dan fisik dasarnya pertama-pertama (Maslow, ****). Saat Anda ragu lakukan sebuah komplain/laporan ke pihak tertentu bahwa medis telah diperiksa (Everly, 2016).
Dan disini ada teka-tekinya. Penelitian atau teorinya Maslow (****) tidak bisa benar-benar mempertimbangkan jika situasinya bencana atau perang untuk hal itu (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Kita tidak boleh melangkah langsung ke level ketiga kebutuhan Maslow yaitu affection affliation, accepatence dan support. Dan apa sebenarnya ini? mencari dukungan interpersonal dari teman-teman, keluarga, rekan kerja dan bantuan komunitasi dalam hal mencapai level kebutuhan tersebut (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Anda haruslah mengamati kebutuhan langkah-demi langkah, disini tidak ada yang namanya melewati sebuah langkahpun (Everly, 2016). Karena dalam strategi dan panduan PFA RAPID kami kebutuhan medis dan fisik dasar harus selalu diutamakan (Everly, 2016).
Dan dalam tahap pemprioritasan ini ada pendekatan yang sering digunakan
Evidance-based dan Risk-based (3D).
Pertama, Evidance-based adalah ..............*artikel menyusul, segera.*.............
Sedangkan Risk-based (3D) adalah ............*artikel menyusul, segera.*.............
- Death
- Dislocation
- Disabling Impact
"I made the point earlier that intervention is predicated on the story on your assesment, if you will... No two people are everly alike and no two situations are ever alike. And even though two people may be in the same situation, they may have experienced that situation very differently." -George Everly
Tahap Keempat (Intervention). Atau Intervensi adalah hanya sebuah tindakan bukan psikoterapi. Ini juga bukan sebuah penggantian untuk terapi. Kita bukan melakukan diagnosis dan treatment, tetapi melakukan crisis intervention (tindakan krisis) (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Dalam intervensi PFA ada dua opsi terbaik yang memungkinkan dapat Anda lakukan, yaitu (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Jika psikologis orangnya terlihat belum stabil. Maka lakukanlah penstabilan dengan satu atau lebih berikut ini; (i) Hilangkan pemicu provokatif baik lingkungan atau pihak tertentu, (ii) Dorong agar memiliki fokus pikiran terhadap tugas dasar / okupasi, (iii) Arahkan dia berpeluang menyalurkan pelampiasan emosinya / catharsis, (iv) Perlambat aksi spontannya / impulsifnya yang kurang pantas, (v) Gunakan pengalih perhatian / distraction.
- Kurangi tekanan mental awalnya (acute distress). Kembangkan kemampuannya berfungsi dan produktif dengan; (i) Edukasi hal yang memperjelas / explanatory guidance, (ii) Normalisasikan tekanan mentalnya, (iii) Yakinkan masih ada harapan, (iv) Edukasi hal yang mengantisipasi / anticipatory guidance, (v) Perlambat aksi spontannya / impulsifnya yang kurang pantas, (vi) Edukasi teknik manajemen stres, dan menyelesaikan masalah, (vii) Benarkan kesalahfahaman memahami informasi / sesuatu hal, (viii) Bingkai ulang persepsinya jika memungkinkan.
"Fahamilah Anda tidak dapat memperbaiki masalah orang-orang. Anda bisa membantu mereka, Anda bisa membuat sumberdaya-sumberdaya untuk mereka..." -George Everly
Tahap Keempat (Disposition). Jika setelah tindakan (intervention) Anda mengamati orangnya terlihat mampu dengan dirinya, maka selesai sudah (Everly, PFA Videoo, 2016).
Dalam tahap ini Anda direkomendasikan mem-follow-up orang tersebut dengan cara yang paling sesuai. Kadang-kadang follow-up kedua juga menjadi berguna. Bagaimanapun juga, jika ternyata perlunya follow-up ketiga, ini berarti saatnya Anda berhenti dan memfasilitasi akses terhadap dirinya ke level bantuan yang lain (another level of care) (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Contoh level bantuan yang lain (Everly, PFA Video, 2016) adalah jika dapat diamati apa yang signifikan bagian dirinya yang perlu di carikan bantuan baik psikologis, medis, logistik, finansial, atau spiritual, maka dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu; (i) Motivasi dia ke sana, (ii) Berikan harapan masih ada, (iii) Follow-up pertemuan selanjutnya di luar PFA lapangan Anda.
Level bantuan ini juga bisa dibagikan dengan rinci sebagai berikut (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Menemui teman-temannya
- Menemui keluarganya
- Lembaga Emergensi
- Hotline Telepon Krisis
- Telepon Emergensi Polisi / Paramedis
- Bagian penanganan bencana
- Ahli agama
- Keuangan/Pekerjannya
Video Full Simulasi (Tepat) Penerapan PFA R.A.P.I.D
oleh: George S. Everly
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Video Simulasi (Kesalahan Fatal) dalam PFA
A. Kesalahan Fatal dalam Reflective Listening & Rapport
oleh: George S. Everly
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B. Kesalahan Fatal dalam Assessment
oleh: George S. Everly
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C. Kesalahan Fatal dalam Prioritazitation
oleh: George S. Everly
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D. Kesalahan Fatal dalam Intervention
oleh: George S. Everly
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E. Kesalahan Fatal dalam Disposition
oleh: George S. Everly
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Hal Fatal Terakhir: "Kepedulian Diri" yang Tidak Boleh Diabaikan
Meskipun hal fatal terakhir, tetapi Anda harus melakukan, mempersiapkan, dan mengumpulkan informasi tentang "Kepedulian Diri (Self-Care)" ini pada awal dan sebelum Anda melangkahkan kaki Anda ke tempat kejadian. Ini jika kasusnya cukup resmi atau tempat jauh, tetapi jika hanya tetangga Anda terjadi bencana maka Anda tidak perlu 'memperdulikan diri' mempersipakan segalanya, pastinya Anda sudah tahu yang saya maksud."How about if I tell the best way of of caring for others is to care for yourself ... because what we don't want is for you to be a victim ... have seen many of my colleagues become victims to the process of helping." -George S. Everly
Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda tanyakan ke diri sendiri dalam "paket logistik sederhana" yang "sebelum perjalanan menuju ke tempat kejadian", yaitu (Everly, PFA Video, 2016):
- Reporting when?
- Durasi?
- Transportasi?
- Reporting where
- Reporting to whom? contact information?
- Otoritas?
- Malpraktik?
- Specific duties?
- Safety?
- How to handle violence, suicide, homicide, acute psychosis.
Ingat juga bahwa Primary civilian victims experience adverse reactions to disaster, but never forget that First responders and others in the helping professions may also be vulnerable to similar adverse reactions. (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Should psychological first aid be available to first responders? The answer is of course yes. But aren't you a first responder? Shouldn't you be concerned with the well being of those you work with and your own personal well being.
Apa saja dampak "Kepedulian Diri" ini jika ternyata diabaikan? Anda dapat mengimajinasikannya sekarang dan berikut adalah contohnya (Everly PFA Video, 2016):
- Burnout. Dalam gejala burnout seperti procrastination, chronic fatigue, cynicism, chronic lateness, difficulty experiencing happiness, pessimism, sense of a foreshortened future, loss of satisfction in one's career or life, questioning one's own faith.
- Compassion fatigue
- Get sick or injured
- Substance abuse. ETOH, Energy drinks, Antihistamines, Illicit drugs.
- Risk taking/impulsive actions
- Can't function effectively
- Guilt. Guilt for doing something, guilt for not doing something, survivor guilt.
Vicarious Trauma:
- Psychological trauma may be contagious
- Compassion fatigue
- Responders can experience many of same symptoms as survivors; depression, difficulty sleeping, startle, hyper-vigilance, nightmares, anxiety, obsession thoughts of the trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, other symptoms of burnout.
Selesai sudah saya berbagi metode PFA RAPID ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Di bawah adalah checklist pemahaman yang saya ambil dari George S. Everly dalam video pelatihan PFA (Psychological First Aid) nya beserta kunci jawaban quiznya. Berikut:
Checklist Pemahaman:
1. When considering the mental health aspects of public health emergencies and disasters, we are most concerned with the phenomenon of:
□ Surge
□ Stress
□ Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
□ None of these options
2. Experiences in the United States and other countries have shown repeatedly that following disasters, particularly those occasioned by violence, there is an increase of demand for health services, including mental health. This requires:
□ Increased surge capacity
□ More shelters
□ None of these options
□ More psychologists
3. According to Beverly Raphael, what percent of survivors of a disaster could benefit from PFA?□ 10
□ 20
□ 15
□ 25
4. The Johns Hopkins approach to enhancing surge capacity relies upon:
□ Establishing better transportation systems
□ Building and enhancing external response capacity via PFA
□ None of these options
□ Building and enhancing local response capacity via PFA
5. In the simulation you watched George approach Gina as she enters the disaster relief center. In the “flawed” example, what did George do that was in error?"]□ All of these options
□ He tried to “fix” the problem
□ He failed to listen accurately
□ His comments were dismissive of Gina’s true concerns
6. In the simulation you watched George approach Gina as she enters the disaster relief center. In the “correct” example, what did George do that indicated “reflective listening”?
□ He recognized Gina’s loss was far more than just a house
□ He doesn’t walk up behind her
□ He waits for her to get oriented in the new place
□ All of these options
7. As Gina first told her story to George, what seemed most on her mind?
□ Losing her house
□ Finding shelter
□ Her emotional attachment to the house
□ None of these options
□ He tried to “fix” the problem
□ He failed to listen accurately
□ His comments were dismissive of Gina’s true concerns
6. In the simulation you watched George approach Gina as she enters the disaster relief center. In the “correct” example, what did George do that indicated “reflective listening”?
□ He recognized Gina’s loss was far more than just a house
□ He doesn’t walk up behind her
□ He waits for her to get oriented in the new place
□ All of these options
7. As Gina first told her story to George, what seemed most on her mind?
□ Losing her house
□ Finding shelter
□ Her emotional attachment to the house
□ None of these options
8. By the end of their initial encounter, as shown in the “correct” simulation, what do you think Gina’s impression of George might be?□ None of these options
□ George is someone she can speak further to
□ George is easily distracted
□ George is incompetent
□ George is someone she can speak further to
□ George is easily distracted
□ George is incompetent
9. ASSESSMENT is an essential aspect of PFA, but we use the term in a far broader context than usual. Remember that the psychological INTERVENTION stage is largely predicated upon the ________ needs of the person in distress.□ Medically assessed
□ Rumored
□ None of these options
□ Idiosyncratic
10. Much of your specific INTERVENTION is derived from the ASSESSMENT. In order to formulate your intervention plan, you must:
□ Listen to the survivor’s “story”
□ Hold a case conference
□ None of these options
□ Administer psychological tests
□ Rumored
□ None of these options
□ Idiosyncratic
10. Much of your specific INTERVENTION is derived from the ASSESSMENT. In order to formulate your intervention plan, you must:
□ Listen to the survivor’s “story”
□ Hold a case conference
□ None of these options
□ Administer psychological tests
11. The survivor’s “story” consists of the person’s reactions to the event refined by:□ The situational context, or brief description of the critical incident
□ A detailed recollection of the critical incident
□ Verification from others
□ None of these options
12. When the survivor uses terms like anxiety or depression, it is important to:
□ Call for assistance
□ None of these options
□ Immediately ask if the survivor intends suicide
□ Ask for clarification of what those word mean
13. There will typically be three groups of survivors after a critical incident: Eustress, Distress, and:
□ Panicked
□ Depressed
□ None of these options
□ Happy
14. The primary difference between survivors who are DISTRESSED vs DYSFUNCTION is that the DYSFUNCTIONAL group:
□ Is incapable of discharging necessary responsibilities
□ All of these options
□ Need more emergent assistance
□ Is incapable of performing usual activities of daily living
15. Risk-based psychological triage that focuses primarily upon factors such as dislocation, seeing human remains, and separation from friends may be less effective as an assessment and triage tool than evidence-based triage because:
□ Risk-based is probability based
□ Risk-based predictors explain relatively little variance
□ All of these options
□ Evidence-based triage focuses upon the behaviors that are necessary for adaptive functioning
16. In the simulation’s flawed example, during initial ASSESSMENT, George makes a significant error by:
□ Prematurely focusing on Gina’s crying
□ Not effectively listening
□ Prematurely asking about suicide
□ All of these options
□ A detailed recollection of the critical incident
□ Verification from others
□ None of these options
12. When the survivor uses terms like anxiety or depression, it is important to:
□ Call for assistance
□ None of these options
□ Immediately ask if the survivor intends suicide
□ Ask for clarification of what those word mean
13. There will typically be three groups of survivors after a critical incident: Eustress, Distress, and:
□ Panicked
□ Depressed
□ None of these options
□ Happy
14. The primary difference between survivors who are DISTRESSED vs DYSFUNCTION is that the DYSFUNCTIONAL group:
□ Is incapable of discharging necessary responsibilities
□ All of these options
□ Need more emergent assistance
□ Is incapable of performing usual activities of daily living
15. Risk-based psychological triage that focuses primarily upon factors such as dislocation, seeing human remains, and separation from friends may be less effective as an assessment and triage tool than evidence-based triage because:
□ Risk-based is probability based
□ Risk-based predictors explain relatively little variance
□ All of these options
□ Evidence-based triage focuses upon the behaviors that are necessary for adaptive functioning
16. In the simulation’s flawed example, during initial ASSESSMENT, George makes a significant error by:
□ Prematurely focusing on Gina’s crying
□ Not effectively listening
□ Prematurely asking about suicide
□ All of these options
17. In the simulation’s flawed example, during the PRIORITIZATION, George makes a significant error by:□ Recommending she stay in an unfamiliar place
□ Not listening to Gina’s desire to stay with her relative
□ Suggesting that a pool would be relaxing, in the wake of a water-related disaster
□ All of these options
18. In the “correct” simulation, George makes a good point by:
□ Acknowledging the value of staying with her relative close by the remains of her home
□ Suggesting Gina stay at the hotel with other survivors
□ None of these options
□ All of these options
□ Not listening to Gina’s desire to stay with her relative
□ Suggesting that a pool would be relaxing, in the wake of a water-related disaster
□ All of these options
18. In the “correct” simulation, George makes a good point by:
□ Acknowledging the value of staying with her relative close by the remains of her home
□ Suggesting Gina stay at the hotel with other survivors
□ None of these options
□ All of these options
19. Based upon the assessment and prioritization of needs, an acute INTERVENTION is implemented which is FIRST designed to□ meet basic needs, stabilize acute distress
□ mitigate acute psychological distress
□ if necessary, facilitate access to the next level of care
□ none of these options
20. Based upon the assessment and prioritization of needs, subsequent to meeting basic needs and stabilization, an acute INTERVENTION is implemented which is NEXT designed to
□ if necessary, facilitate access to the next level of care
□ meet basic needs
□ mitigate acute psychological distress
□ none of these options
□ mitigate acute psychological distress
□ if necessary, facilitate access to the next level of care
□ none of these options
20. Based upon the assessment and prioritization of needs, subsequent to meeting basic needs and stabilization, an acute INTERVENTION is implemented which is NEXT designed to
□ if necessary, facilitate access to the next level of care
□ meet basic needs
□ mitigate acute psychological distress
□ none of these options
21. Subsequent to mitigating acute distress, if the survivor is unable to attend to the necessities of daily living, you should□ Ask the survivor to call you in 24 hours
□ None of these options
□ Facilitate access to the next level of care
□ Give up
□ None of these options
□ Facilitate access to the next level of care
□ Give up
22. In order to stabilize acute distress, you can attempt to□ Remove provocative cues
□ All of these options
□ Encourage a distracting task focus
□ Delay impulsive actions
23. In order to mitigate acute distress and foster improved ability to function, you can attempt to
□ Use stress management techniques and problem-solving as indicated
□ Normalize reactions as appropriate
□ Delay impulsive actions
□ All of these options
24. In the “flawed” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George made an error by:
□ None of these options
□ Prematurely recommending medication
□ Listening carefully
□ Worrying about Gina’s psychological health
25. In the “flawed” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George made an error by:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Rushing to “fix the problem” by using reframing
□ Failing to paraphrase
□ Looking distracted
□ None of these options
□ All of these options
□ Encourage a distracting task focus
□ Delay impulsive actions
23. In order to mitigate acute distress and foster improved ability to function, you can attempt to
□ Use stress management techniques and problem-solving as indicated
□ Normalize reactions as appropriate
□ Delay impulsive actions
□ All of these options
24. In the “flawed” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George made an error by:
□ None of these options
□ Prematurely recommending medication
□ Listening carefully
□ Worrying about Gina’s psychological health
25. In the “flawed” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George made an error by:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Rushing to “fix the problem” by using reframing
□ Failing to paraphrase
□ Looking distracted
□ None of these options
26. In the “correct” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Normalizes Gina’s sadness associated with loss
□ Appears worried
□ All of these options
□ Reinforces a pessimistic outlook
□ Normalizes Gina’s sadness associated with loss
□ Appears worried
□ All of these options
□ Reinforces a pessimistic outlook
27. In the “correct” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George:*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ All of these options
□ Normalizes Gina’s sadness associated with loss
□ Provides some anticipatory guidance prior to Gina’s return to her home site
□ Reinforces the value of optimism
□ All of these options
□ Normalizes Gina’s sadness associated with loss
□ Provides some anticipatory guidance prior to Gina’s return to her home site
□ Reinforces the value of optimism
28. In the “correct” simulation, during INTERVENTION, George:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ None of these options
□ Seems rushed
□ Is dismissive
□ Ends by offering continued support if necessary
29. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Gina, it sounds like there have been some real ups and downs over the last few days.” This technique is:"
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ None of these options
□ Distraction
□ A paraphrase
□ A reframe
30. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “But, as you look back what do you think the worst part of this whole ordeal has been, so far? This techniques is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ None of these options
□ Psychotherapeutic interpretation
□ Paraphrase
□ An effort to help Gina identify a pivotal moment contributing to her distress
31. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Are you saying what’s making this so painful is the fear that you will lose the memories of the people you loved?” This technique is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Reframe
□ None of these options
□ Distraction
□ Delay
32. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Gina, I know the thought of losing those memories is frightening, and I think you should keep searching for those cherished items, but have you thought that the memories of those you love are not in those items? They are in your mind and in your heart. And no storm can ever take them away.” This technique is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Delay
□ Distraction
□ Reframe
□ None of these options
□ None of these options
□ Seems rushed
□ Is dismissive
□ Ends by offering continued support if necessary
29. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Gina, it sounds like there have been some real ups and downs over the last few days.” This technique is:"
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ None of these options
□ Distraction
□ A paraphrase
□ A reframe
30. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “But, as you look back what do you think the worst part of this whole ordeal has been, so far? This techniques is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ None of these options
□ Psychotherapeutic interpretation
□ Paraphrase
□ An effort to help Gina identify a pivotal moment contributing to her distress
31. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Are you saying what’s making this so painful is the fear that you will lose the memories of the people you loved?” This technique is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Reframe
□ None of these options
□ Distraction
□ Delay
32. In the FOLLOW-UP, George states, “Gina, I know the thought of losing those memories is frightening, and I think you should keep searching for those cherished items, but have you thought that the memories of those you love are not in those items? They are in your mind and in your heart. And no storm can ever take them away.” This technique is:
*Simulasi ini silahkan lihat kembali di video atas
□ Delay
□ Distraction
□ Reframe
□ None of these options
33. After your intervention, if the person seems more capable of taking care of themselves and/or capable of discharging their responsibilities, then your intervention phase:□ Has failed.
□ None of these options.
□ Has ended.
□ Should be repeated.
□ None of these options.
□ Has ended.
□ Should be repeated.
34. It is then recommended that you follow-up with the person at some point deemed most appropriate. Sometimes a second follow-up may be useful. However, if a third follow-up seems indicated it’s probably time to:
□ Repeat the entire intervention phase.
□ None of these options.
□ Facilitate access to another level of care.
□ Do a suicide assessment.
35. If after TRIAGE and INTERVENTION, the survivor requires further support, you should consider
□ Serving as an advocate
□ All of these options
□ Attempt to instill hope
□ Acting as a liaison
36. Interventionist “burnout” refers to
□ Mental and physical exhaustion
□ The hotel burning down
□ The interventionist experiencing PTSD
□ All of these options
37. Burnout consists of all BUT the following:
□ Procrastination
□ Chronic fatigue
□ Cynicism
□ Tachycardia
38. “Compassion fatigue” refers to
□ Vicarious PTSD-like reactions
□ Transference
□ Burnout
□ Battle fatigue
Kunci Jawaban: Download
Sekarang bisakah Anda menebak? berapa banyak orang-orang yang bisa Anda ambil Tindakan PFA? dalam sehari? sehari dalam tempat kejadian? atau katakanlah selama 8 jam? 9 jam di lapangan?. Jika Anda mengatakan 'satu', "Anda kehilangan kapal Anda (Everly, PFA Video, 2016)." Anda harusnya fokus ke bidang terapiutik saja (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Menurut praktisi PFA George Everly kita haruslah mampu menghandle dimanapun kisaran 8 sampai 15 orang-orang, yang banyaknya perbedaan individu dari 8 hingga 15 intervensi berbeda sehari (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Kesimpulannya (Everly, PFA Video, 2016) adalah untuk dapat melakukan sebanyak itu kuncinya; (i) Stabilisasi Reaksinya/Stabilize, dan atau (ii) Kurangi Gejalanya/Mitigate.
□ None of these options.
□ Facilitate access to another level of care.
□ Do a suicide assessment.
35. If after TRIAGE and INTERVENTION, the survivor requires further support, you should consider
□ Serving as an advocate
□ All of these options
□ Attempt to instill hope
□ Acting as a liaison
36. Interventionist “burnout” refers to
□ Mental and physical exhaustion
□ The hotel burning down
□ The interventionist experiencing PTSD
□ All of these options
37. Burnout consists of all BUT the following:
□ Procrastination
□ Chronic fatigue
□ Cynicism
□ Tachycardia
38. “Compassion fatigue” refers to
□ Vicarious PTSD-like reactions
□ Transference
□ Burnout
□ Battle fatigue
Kunci Jawaban: Download
Sekarang bisakah Anda menebak? berapa banyak orang-orang yang bisa Anda ambil Tindakan PFA? dalam sehari? sehari dalam tempat kejadian? atau katakanlah selama 8 jam? 9 jam di lapangan?. Jika Anda mengatakan 'satu', "Anda kehilangan kapal Anda (Everly, PFA Video, 2016)." Anda harusnya fokus ke bidang terapiutik saja (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Menurut praktisi PFA George Everly kita haruslah mampu menghandle dimanapun kisaran 8 sampai 15 orang-orang, yang banyaknya perbedaan individu dari 8 hingga 15 intervensi berbeda sehari (Everly, PFA Video, 2016).
Kesimpulannya (Everly, PFA Video, 2016) adalah untuk dapat melakukan sebanyak itu kuncinya; (i) Stabilisasi Reaksinya/Stabilize, dan atau (ii) Kurangi Gejalanya/Mitigate.